Privacy PolicyPOLICY

Collection of Personal Information

・This service collects personal information such as name, address,
 telephone number, and e-mail address at the time of reservation.
・Access logs and usage history may also be collected to check usage and improve services.

Purpose of use of personal information

・Personal information collected will be used to confirm reservations,
 respond to inquiries, provide services, and for marketing activities.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

・In principle, we do not provide your personal information to third parties.
・Except when required by law or when we deem it necessary to ensure the safety of our customers.

Protection of Personal Information

・Personal information collected will be managed using appropriate
 security measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or destruction.

Use of Cookies

・The Service may use cookies to improve usability and to deliver advertisements.

Use of access analysis tools

・Access analysis tools may be used to monitor the use of this service.

Correction and deletion of personal information

・If you wish to correct or delete your own personal information,
 please let us know in the designated manner.

Privacy Policy Changes

・The contents of this policy are subject to change. When changes are made,
 notification will be posted on the site, etc.

Contact Us

・If you have any questions regarding this policy,
 please contact us through the “Contact us” link on this website.